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حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 13, 2024 2:57 pm من طرف سعاد آل حصين

» دور الرسائل النصية في مجال التعليم
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أكتوبر 08, 2024 11:41 am من طرف سعاد آل حصين

» استراتيجيات التدريس المبتكرة: "دليلك للتعليم الفعّال"
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالخميس يوليو 04, 2024 11:05 am من طرف سعاد آل حصين

» خطوات تقديم طلب الزواج من اجنبية
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 05, 2024 2:54 pm من طرف سعاد آل حصين

» أدعية الامتحانات
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالسبت يناير 27, 2024 10:42 pm من طرف faridaahmed

» 9 نصائح مهمة تساعدك في عمل بروفايل للشركة الخاصة بك
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء ديسمبر 05, 2023 10:14 am من طرف منة اجادة

» خصومات لا تعوض على عمل بروفايل شركة من "سايت أب"
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء ديسمبر 05, 2023 9:50 am من طرف منة اجادة

» هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة في تصميم بروفايل شركتك؟
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء ديسمبر 05, 2023 9:19 am من طرف منة اجادة

» ماذا توفر لك "سايت أب " أفضل شركة لكتابة محتوى تعبئة المواقع ؟
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء ديسمبر 05, 2023 8:55 am من طرف منة اجادة

» خدمة أفضل شركة كتابة بروفايل جذاب وإبداعي مع ’’سايت أب’’
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 29, 2023 2:22 pm من طرف منة اجادة

» أفضل تصميم متجر إلكتروني : نافذتك لزيادة عملائك
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 29, 2023 1:51 pm من طرف منة اجادة

» أفضل تصميم متجر إلكتروني : نافذتك لزيادة عملائك
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 29, 2023 1:28 pm من طرف منة اجادة

» "إجادة" أقرب مكتب ترجمة معتمد لترجمة أوراقك
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 29, 2023 11:25 am من طرف منة اجادة

» "إجادة" أفضل مكتب ترجمة الصور في السعودية
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء نوفمبر 28, 2023 1:35 pm من طرف منة اجادة

» خصومات من أفضل مكتب ترجمة عقود الزواج انتهزها الآن
حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء نوفمبر 28, 2023 1:13 pm من طرف منة اجادة


 حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013 |Greek philosophers

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عدد المساهمات : 24470
نقاط : 64474
السٌّمعَة : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2012

حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013 |Greek philosophers    حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 25, 2013 10:24 pm

كيمياء لغات - الباب الأول| Greek philosophers

Greek philosophers

*They imagined the possibility of dividing any piece of matter to smaller parts

which is divided into smaller one until reach to A tom

[A] means No but [tom ] means divided.

* Aristotle

* He rejected the concept of [the atom] and believed that:-

*All matters consists of four components [water , air , dust and fire]

* It was belived that cheap metal as Iron or Copper can be changed into precious

one as a Gold by changing the ratio of the constituents.

2-Boyle *He refused Aristole's idea about the nature of substances.

*He put the first definition about the element.

Element: The simplest pure substance can't be divided into simple one

by a traditional chemical method . [ exam 2006]

3- Dalton's atomic theory

* Dalton carried out many researches and experiments.

* Dalton stated the first theory about the atomic structure.

*He postulated that

1-Matter is composed of very minute particles named atoms.

2- An atom is a one solid part and undividable.

3- Atoms of the different elements are different.

Discovery of cathode rays

From some exp. about electric discharge in 1897 scientists reached to :-

1-All gases under a normal conditions from pressure and temp. are insulators

So cathode ray tube must be evacuated G.R.F

2-If a glass tube is discharged from a gas and the pressure inside it ranges from

[ 0.01 - 0.001 ] mmHg then exposed to suitable potential difference

it becomes a good conductor

3-When a potential difference between the two poles increased to 10000 volt

The scientists observed that:-

*Stream of invisible rays were emitted from the cathode and the glass tube glow

*These rays are called cathode rays

Question Define :- [ Cathode rays]


properties of cathode rays

1-They consist of a very small particles.

2-They have a thermal effect.

3-They transfer in a straight lines .

4- They are effected by electric and magnetic field

5- They are negatively charged particles.

6-Their nature do not depend on

-Substance of cathode. or type of a gas inside the discharge tube

* Means they do not differ either in behavior or in nature of the material of cathode or the gas which is used

* This is strong evidence that.

So [ They are fundamental constituent of all matters.] G.R.F

4-Thomson's model of the atom [Exam 2007]

* He suggested a new atomic model of the atom that took into consideration the

existence of electron

*Atom is considered a symmetrical sphere from positive electricity contains

negative electrons inside it

So atom is electrically neutral.

Rutherford's exp.

*By Giger and Marceden

Experiment 1- A deep lead box with a small hole .

2- A piece of radioactive element which
produces an alpha particle was placed inside the box.

3- A metal sheet in the form of incomplete circle was plated by

a layer of zinc sulphide then placed in the pass of alpha particles .

4- A very thin gold foil was placed between the beam of alpha

particles and the metal sheet.

Observations and conclusions

Observations Conclusions

Atom has a vast space and it is not uniformly dense. A) Most of the alpha particles appears on the same place.

The atom must contain a tiny part of a very high density [ was named the nucleus ] B) Very small % of alpha particles

was reflected back [ some flashes appeared in front of the foil ]

The dense part of the atom where most of the mass is present ,
appears to have a similar positive charge to that of alpha particles. C)
Some of (alpha) particles penetrated the foil but deflected

* What is the role of rutherford ?

Rutherford’s model

* Postulates of the theory

The atom: - 1) It’s similar to Solar system .

2) It’s extremely small in size.

3) It has a very complicated structure.

The nucleus: - 1) At the center.

2) Very small in size compared to an atom.

(There is a vast space between it and electron’s orbits)

3) An atom is not uniformly dense .

4) The mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus
G.R.F. Because mass of protons and neutrons inside the nucleus
greater than mass of electrons which can be neglected

The electrons: - 1) Thery orbit around the nucleus in a great speeds at

different distances from it.

2) They have a negligible mass compared to the mass of

nucleus .

3) They have –Ve charges and the sum of –Ve charges equal to the
sum of +Ve charges so that the atom is electrically neutral.

4) They keep their orbits around the nucleus due to

the centrifugal force = attraction force


1- Rutherford's concept was contradicated by Maxwell's theory

[An electromagnetic theory based on classic Newton’s laws for slightly big particles. This is called Maxwell’s theory. ]

Maxwell’s theory: -

“when an electrically charged particle rotates around the
opposite charged particle, it will lose some of its energy gradually by
emission of radiations, leading to a gradual decrease of its speed and
its orbit’s radius until hit in the centre.

* By applying this theory on the electron movement.

* We would expect that electrons are in a state of continous
emission of radiation with a gradual decrease in the orbit radius, thus
leading the electrons to spiral inwords until they hit in the nucleus.

* That was the obvious contradication classical mechanical laws and Rutherford's concept.

2- Failed to explain the spectral line of elements although it depends on atomic structure.

Atomic spectra and its explanation

* The study of atomic spectra is considered the key which solved the puzzle of

the atomic structure .

* On heating a mass of very closed atoms [ solid – liquid – compressed gases ]

to high temperature it radiates light .

* On examining this light by spectroscope we observe rainbow of mixed colours

without any separation in between.

* On heating gases or vapours under reduced pressure to high temp. or by electric

spark , they radiate another type of radiations .

* By examining this light by spectroscope it was found to be composed of a limited

numbers of coloured lines named line spectra.

* Spectral lines are essential characteristic for each element as finger print

* Study of line spectra of the sunlight indicated Hydrogen and Helium, are the main

components of the sun .

Spectroscope :- It is an optical instrument for light analysis.

Secondly: Bohr’s atomic model

Postulates from Rutherford Added other postulates Advantages of Bohr’s model Defects of Bohr’s model Notes

* He adapted some of Rutherford’s postulates: -

1) The nucleus is small in size , heavy and positively charged.

2) No. of +Ve charges = No. of –Ve charges so atom is (electrically neutral).

3) The centrifugal force = attraction force.

* And he added other postulates: -

4) Electrons orbit around nucleus in a definite allowed energy levels (they can’t be found in between).

5) Each electron has a definite energy, depending on the distance from the

nucleus. * This energy increases and gaps decrease further from nucleus.

6) It’s possible to determine both speed and location of electrons practically at the same time.

7) Electrons orbit around nucleus without emission or absorption of energy under normal conditions (ground state).

8) Electron remains in the lowest allowed energy level till it
absorbs an amount of energy (quantum), by heating or by electric
discharge, it becomes excited and jumps to higher enrgy level, depending
on the amount of energy which gained. And return to its original one
by losing the same amount of energy

which appears as spectral line.

* Excited atom :- An atom which gained amount of energy and electron jumps

to higher enegy level .

Quantum: - It’s the amount of energy absorbed or emitted when an electron jumps from a level to another.

* The quantum required to transfer an electron from one level to
another is not equal means the gaps between the levels are not equal.

It decreases further from the nucleus.

* The electron doesn’t transfer to higher energy level unless
the absorbed or emitted energy is equal to the difference between the
two levels.

Question Compare between quantum and exitation energy

*Energy increases

*Gaps decrease

* Distance from nucleus increases

Adequacy [Advantages ]of Bohr’s model [ Result]: -

1) It explained the Hydrogen atom spectrum .

2) It introduced a new quantaized energy called (quantum) in an atom.

3) It emphasized that [electrons when moving around the nucleus in the ground state doesn’t radiate energy].

[ Bohr succeded in a reconciliation between Rutherford and Maxwell ]

* Inadequacy [disadvantages ]of Bohr’s atomic model: -

*Despite the great effort of Bohr to construct his atomic model
the quantitative calculations of this theory didn't agree with all exp.

1) It failed to explain the spectral line of any atom except Hydrogen.

[ till Helium atom which contains only two electrons.]

2) It considered the electron is a particle only, and did not considered that it also has wave properties.

3) It postulated that it’s possible to determine the location and
speed of electron at the same time but this pracically impossible.

4) It described that Hydrogen atom is a planar, but it has three dimentional coordinates ( x , y , z ).

1) Electrons never fall inside the nucleus

* That’s due to the presence of two forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction which are: -

a) Centripetal force .[The attraction force between the nucleus and the electrons.]

b) Centrifugal force [ arising while the electron orbit the nucleus]

2) The quantum of energy required to transfer an electron from one

energy level to another is not equal.

* Because the difference in energy between them is not equal since the

energy gaps decrease further from the nucleus.

3) The electron does not move from energy level to another if the energy absorbed or emitted is less than quantum.

* Because quantum is a limited amount of energy can’t be divided or multiplied.

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عدد المساهمات : 319
نقاط : 411
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تاريخ التسجيل : 12/02/2013

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013 |Greek philosophers    حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013  |Greek philosophers  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 27, 2013 11:03 pm

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حصريا بالصوت والصورة كيمياء للثالث الثانوي لغات الباب الاول 2013 |Greek philosophers
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