4- Strength of oxygenated acids increases from left to right across the period.
7) Graduation of oxidation number in the periodic table.
* The old definition of valence: -
Number of hydrogen atoms which combines with one atom of element.
Number of hydrogen atoms that can be replaced by one atom of element.
Ex. HF H2O NH3
(Flourine is monovalent) (Oxygen is divalent) (Nitrogen is trivalent)
* The modern definition of valence: -
Number of ( unpaired ) electrons in the valence shell of an atom.
7N 1S2 , 2S2 , 2P3 Nitrogen is trivalent because
It has three unpaired electrons G.R.F.
8O 1S2 ,2S2 , 2P4 Oxygen, is divalent because
it has two unpaired electrons.
* Oxidation number: -
Def * It’s a number refers to the electric charges
(positive or negative) of elements in compound.
* Difference between [oxidation number and valence]
* Whose meaning is similar to valence. but the term oxidation number is preferred than valence because it helps us to explain the change in the electronic structure of atoms in compounds. G.R.F.
Example Valence Oxidation no. Example Valence Oxidation no.
Na+1 1 +1 Cl-1 1 -1
Mg+2 2 +2 O-2 2 -2
Calculation’s rules of oxidation numbers
1) The oxidation number of an atom in its elemental state equals zero.