المراجعة النهائية فى مادة الكيمياء لغات - الجزء الثالث
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موضوع: المراجعة النهائية فى مادة الكيمياء لغات - الجزء الثالث الأحد يونيو 23, 2013 2:46 pm
المراجعة النهائية فى مادة الكيمياء لغات - الجزء الثالث
Write the scientific term
Electrons occupy sublevel in the order of increasing their energy. Aufbau(building up) principle
No pairing of electron takes place in a sublevel until each orbital contains one electron. Hund's rule
The electron is a particle and it has wave properties. Dual nature of the electron
Region of space around the nucleus where the electron most probable exists. Electron cloud ( orbital )
The amount of energy released when an extra electron is added to neutral gaseous atom Electron affinity
Elements whose valence shell has less than half capacity of electrons Metals
The process of loosing electrons associated with increasing oxidation number. Oxidation
An ion formed by combination of positive hydrogen ion with water molecule Hydroxonium ion
Carbon atom contains four unpaired electrons Excited carbon atom
The electronic geometry and common hybridization resulting from mixing one of s orbital and two of p orbitals from the valence shell ( sp2 )
Method used to prepare ammonia in industry. Haber's method
A fertilizer provides the soil by two essential elements nitrogen and phosphorus Ammonium phosphate
Compounds where hydrogen has oxidation number equals -1 Metal hydrides
Elements in which the energy sublevels d are filled successively by electrons Main transition elements
A process of converting fine particles of iron ore into large particles Sintering
Heating iron ore strongly in the air Roasting
Mixing two or more elements to get certain characters Alloy
Measuring the amount of reagent of known concentration (standard solution) that is completely consumed by analyte Titration
The change in the concentration of the reactants or products per unit time Rate of the chemical reactions
The minimum amount of energy must be gained by a molecule to reacts at collision Activation energy
The negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration –log[H3O+] pH value
The equilibrium arising between molecules of weak electrolyte and the ions resulting from it Ionic equilibrium
Kind of electric cells from which we can obtain electric current as a result of spontaneous oxidation reduction reaction Galvanic cell
The quantity of formed or consumed material at any electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity passes in electrolytic solution Faraday's first law
The quantity of electricity when it passes for one second in solution of silver ions Ampere
All organic compounds are formed inside living cells by the effect of vital force Vital force theory
The formula which shows the number and the kind of the atoms in the molecule Molecular formula
The formula which shows the number and the kind of the atoms and also it shows the type of linkage between atoms in the molecule Structural formula
More than one compound have the same molecular formula but have different structural formula (so they have different physical and chemical properties) Isomerism
A method used to give name of organic compound depends on the longest chain of carbon IUPAC system
They have the same general formula, the same chemical properties and graduated in physical ones Homologous series
Group of atoms attached the compound and give it certain character Factional group
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acetic acid freezes at 16oc forming solid substance similar to ice Glacial acetic acid
Importance of some elements and compounds Substance Importance Black carbon Car tiers- panting – polishes – printing ink Phosphprus Rat poison-fertilizers – fire works- matches -alloys Antimony Dyes – antimonial-lead alloy Glycerol Creams – cosmetics-textile –explosives Titanium Making rockets and supersonic aircrafts Phenol In making polymers – dyes- salicylic acid – picric acid Vanadium In making alloys – oxidizing agent Citric acid Retain the colour and taste of fruits Salicylic acid Cosmetics – treatment headache - aspirin Chromium Making steel – plating metals –heating coils Cobalt In secrete inck – climatic predication
What is meant by
Element Pure simple substance that cannot be changed into simpler one by traditional chemical methods
Heisenberg uncertainty principle Determination both speed and location of the electron at the same time practically is impossible
Quantum Amount of energy absorbed or emitted when an electron is transferred from one energy level to another
Ionization potential Amount of energy needed to remove the most loosely bound electron from isolated gaseous atom
Atomic radius Half the distance between the nuclei of two similar bonded atoms
Metalloids A group of elements have a metallic appearance and most properties of nonmetals
المراجعة النهائية فى مادة الكيمياء لغات - الجزء الثالث